Father Lessons Back on Zoom

Would you like to join a group discussion about Fatherhood?

Following up last week’s first online meetup, I’m hosting another Zoom gathering this Friday, April 10. Again, it’s scheduled for 2pm UK time (6am on the US west coast, 10pm in Japan). Not ideal for everyone, I know, but let’s see how it goes.

  • Please let me know in the comments below if you think you’ll be able to make it.
  • The plan is to run the meetup for about an hour.
  • If you haven’t used Zoom before, it’s best to download it before the meeting.

To join the meeting, click the link below. I’ve set it up so that there will be a virtual “waiting room”. This allows me to control who joins the meeting, and for everyone’s privacy, I’ve also set it up so the password “fathers” is needed to gain access, but it’s already embedded in the link below.

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Father Lessons on Zoom

Would you like to join a group discussion about Fatherhood?

In what will hopefully be the first in many online meetings, I’m inviting a wide range of fathers to a Zoom gathering this Friday, April 3. As I’m inviting people as far apart as California and Tokyo, I’m scheduling it for 2pm UK time (6am on the US west coast, 10pm in Japan). Not ideal for everyone, I know, but let’s see how it goes.

  • Please let me know in the comments below if you think you’ll be able to make it.
  • As I’m using the free Basic version of Zoom, the meeting might be limited to just 40 minutes.
  • If you haven’t used Zoom before, it’s best to download it before the meeting.
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My Story (Part 4)

Mark and Nuala, 2009

I was 25 when I first arrived in Japan after an epic land journey. That’s an age by which manhood should, in theory, be fully attained and embraced, and indeed the journey had included romantic encounters and adventures that seemed to fit the narrative of my now being an adult, properly grown up. But looking back at it now, even including the last few decades, the entire structure of my so-called adult life has been built on somewhat shaky psychological foundations.

Continue reading “My Story (Part 4)”

Happy New Year! (PS. Dad, I love you)

Dad, I love you!

First of all, I’d like to wish anyone reading this a very Happy New Year. I hope the year ahead will be one filled with love, laughter, challenges well met and opportunities seized.

It feels a bit trite to be writing that kind of standard new year’s message when we are surrounded and bombarded daily with crises of all sorts, but I think it’s important to remember that just because the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, that’s no excuse not to focus on making our own little corner of the world a better place.

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Where was I?

Five Rhythms

Life’s big distractions come in many shapes and forms. Some of them are challenging, like a change of job; some are joyful, like a new addition to the family; and some are grim, like a medical emergency or a death in the family. In my case, the distractions haven’t been anything too dramatic, and in various ways they have been both difficult and pleasant.

The less pleasant issue has been a second bout of adhesive capsulitis, more commonly known as frozen shoulder. Having had it in my right shoulder a few years ago, I’m familiar with how it progresses and how long it usually takes to heal. So, while I know that it most likely will eventually heal, the constant nagging ache and occasional excruciating stabs of pain have just worn me down over the last few months. Even with pain killers and heat patches, it’s disturbed my sleep, made me wary of even simple things like getting dressed or reaching for the salt with my left hand. It’s interrupted what had become a steady, regular practice of daily exercise. It’s been a bummer.

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