Fathers Are More Present, But…

Father and baby

A recent article from the Guardian newspaper starts with a statement that captures the very essence of what Father Lessons is about:

Like many men of my generation, I wanted to be a more present father than my own had been.

Jeremy Davies

The writer talks about how, as a journalist, he was able to be a stay-at-home dad when his son was born some 20 years ago, but points out that he was very much the exception at the time in the UK. As a self-employed online business owner in Tokyo, I had that same opportunity and was pretty much the only father dropping off and picking up from daycare.

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Mates – who needs them?

Mates enjoy a beer

In a recent issue of the Guardian an article appeared with this tagline:

“Some things get easier with age. The intensity of my friendships and the emotionally sharing nature of them has deepened.”

If only that were true for all men. Particularly when we get into middle age and the balance of life starts to shift from infinite potential and novelty to mortality and loss, that’s when close friendships become all the more important. But sadly, as the article goes on to explain, male friendships tend to dwindle in number as we age and often don’t involve that kind of emotional sharing.

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Manstock 2020

Manstock 2020

Anyone up to date on this blog will know that I belong to a regular men’s group. We usually meet up once every other week in north London, but since the lockdown started we’ve been meeting up on Zoom on a varying schedule. The group is actually one of three run by the same therapist, Jerry Hyde, and once a year all three groups gather for what is lovingly called “Manstock”.

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But What is Deliverable?

Deliverable - Fragile, handle with care

Deliverable: “A deliverable is a tangible or intangible good or service produced as a result of a project that is intended to be delivered to a customer. A deliverable could be a report, a document, a software product, a server upgrade or any other building block of an overall project.”


Deliverable. It’s one of those terms that, as someone who has managed to avoid the corporate world, I have a natural aversion to. However, as I’ve struggled to figure out what the hell I’m trying to achieve with Father Lessons, I finally realised that it comes down to just that – what is deliverable. What can I actually deliver?

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