Terms & Conditions
Meeting Schedule
We meet twice monthly from 19:00 to 21:30. The schedule is basically every second Wednesday but adjusted around ‘term holidays’ so that there are always two sessions per month. Any changes to the schedule will be discussed with the group well in advance.
Meeting Venue
The Red Room @ The Practice Rooms, 96 High Street, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1YF
Monthly Charge & How to Pay
The monthly charge is £90, to be paid by direct debit (ideally on the first of the month). Bank details are below.
Sort Code: 77-70-48
Account #: 00504768
Account name: Mark McBennett
Leaving the Group
It is strongly recommended that the facilitator/group is informed by a member of their decision to leave the group at least one session before the leaving date. This is to ensure that both the member and the group have the opportunity to experience a ‘clean’ ending.